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Money Archetypes :What are they ..12 Archetypes explained


It had been a long journey for John, full of twists and turns. He had started off his life with every advantage: a loving family, top-notch education, and a bright future ahead of him. But somewhere along the way, things went wrong. He began to believe that money was the root of all evil, and that success in life was only possible for those born into wealth.

He tried various jobs over the years but nothing ever felt right. The pay was too low, or the hours were too long, or he just didn’t enjoy what he was doing. It wasn’t until he stumbled across LOA techniques that he realized his true potential. He learned how to let go of his limiting beliefs about money and success, and he began to attract wealth and abundance into his life.

Today, John is a successful businessman who has created his own empire. And it all started with the power of the law of attraction.

If you’re ready to start attracting money and abundance into your own life, keep reading to learn John’s top tips for using the law of attraction to manifest money.

1. Get clear on what you want

The first step to manifesting anything in life is to get clear on what you want. If you’re not sure what you want, you won’t be able to attract it into your life. So take some time to sit down and think about what kind of financial abundance you would like to achieve.

Do you want to earn a certain amount of money each month? Do you want to be debt-free? Do you want to have enough money saved up for a rainy day? Whatever your goals may be, it’s important to get clear on what you want before moving forward.

2. Visualize your goal

Once you know what you want to achieve, it’s time to start visualizing your goal. The law of attraction dictates that what we focus on expands. So if you focus on money and abundance, you will begin to see more money and abundance in your life.

Sit down and close your eyes. Visualize yourself achieving your financial goal. See yourself earning the money you desire, or paying off your debts. Really feel the joy and happiness that comes with achieving this goal. The more feeling you can put into it, the better.

3. Take action towards your goal

The law of attraction is a powerful tool, but it’s not a magic wand. In order to manifest your desires, you still need to take action towards your goal.

This means taking concrete steps towards earning more money, or paying off your debts. It might mean looking for a new job, or investing in yourself through education or training. Whatever actions you take, make sure they are in alignment with your goals.

The law of attraction is a powerful tool that can be used to attract money, abundance, and wealth into your life. The law of attraction states that whatever you focus on, you will attract more of into your life. If you focus on positive thoughts and feelings about money, you will begin to see more money coming into your life.

Vision Boards:

One way to begin using the law of attraction to attract more money into your life is to create a vision board or a dreams board. This is a Board where you put pictures or symbols that represent what you want to manifest in your life. For example, if you want to manifest more money, you would put pictures or symbols of money on your vision board. You can also write down affirmations related to money and abundance, and read them daily.

Another way to use the law of attraction to attract money is to meditate on money. This means to focus your thoughts on money and visualize yourself having more money. The more you focus on money and think about having more of it, the more money you will begin to see coming into your life.

You can also use the law of attraction to manifest money by being grateful for the money you already have. Be thankful for the bills that come in every month, and for the money that you have in your savings account. Focus on feeling good about the money you have, and you will begin to attract more money into your life.*

There is no one definitive answer to this question. However, there are a few basic principles that can help you create wealth using the law of attraction.

The first step is to focus on what you want, rather than what you don’t want. When you’re clear on what you desire, it’s easier to align your thoughts and actions with the goal of attracting money.

Secondly, you must believe that you can achieve your goal. If you don’t think you’re capable of becoming a billionaire, then you won’t be able to manifest that reality. However, if you have faith in yourself and your ability to attract money, then you’ll be more likely to achieve success.

Finally, it’s important to take action towards your goal. Thinking about money won’t bring it to you; you must take steps to actively manifest your desired wealth. This could involve investing money, starting a business, or taking other actions that will help you attract money.

By following these principles, you can begin to create wealth using the law of attraction. Remember, however, that it takes time and patience to achieve success. The key is to stay focused on your goal, and believe that you can achieve it. With time and effort, you can create the life of your dreams!

1. money is what most people worry about, so it’s important to focus on what you want rather than what you don’t want. If you’re clear about what money you’d like to attract, it will be easier to align your thoughts and actions with the goal.

2. You must believe that you can achieve your goal in order for the law of attraction to work. So if you don’t think you could ever become a billionaire, then it’s impossible for you to manifest that reality. However, if you have faith in yourself and your ability to attract money, then anything is possible!

3. Taking action towards your goal is essential for manifestation. Just thinking about money won’t bring it to you; rather, you must take steps to actively attract money into your life. This could involve investing money, starting a business, or taking other actions that will help you generate wealth.

By following these principles, you can begin to create wealth using the law of attraction. Just remember that it takes time and patience to see results; the key is to stay focused on your goal and have faith in yourself. With time and effort, you can achieve anything you desire!

There are just two things in the world: energy and matter. We learn in elementary physics that neither matter nor energy (the only two realities known to man) can be produced or destroyed. Both material and energy may be transmuted, but neither can be destroyed. Life isenergetic; if anything, it’s something. If there is no means

Worry is a state of mind based on fear. It works slowly but steadily. It’s sneaky and subtle. Step by step, it worms its way in until it paralyzes one’s reasoning ability, damages self-confidence, and stifles initiative. The effect of worry may be seen as follows: If you’re feeling sad or blue because someone has let you down, that’s understandable. You may feel discouraged because you didn’t get the job you really wanted, or because your business is not doing as well as you had hoped. But if your mind is so filled with anxious thoughts that you can’t think clearly, if you’re constantly on edge and finding it hard to enjoy life, then you’re probably caught in the grip of worry.

Some people seem to worry about everything. They may even worry about worrying! This can lead to feelings of helplessness and despair. If you’re caught in this vicious cycle, it’s important to seek professional help.

For most people, though, worry is something that can be controlled.

Worry is a form of sustained fear caused by indecision; therefore it is a state of mind which can be controlled. Kill the habit of worry in all its forms by reaching a general blanket decision that nothing which life has to offer is worth the price of worry. With this decision will come poise, peace of mind, and calmness of thought, which will bring happiness. A man whose mind is filled with fear not only destroys his own chances of intelligent action, but transmits these destructive vibrations to the minds of all who come into contact with him and also destroys their chances.

Your goal in life is most likely to achieve success. To be successful, you must first find peace of mind, acquire the necessities of life, and, most importantly, discover HAPPINESS. All of these indications of accomplishment begin as thought impulses. You have the ability to control your own thoughts; you have the power to feed them whatever thoughts you choose. Make sure that your thoughts are focused on what you want to achieve in life, and not on what you don’t want. You create your own reality through your thoughts, so make sure they’re positive!

One way to keep your thoughts positive is to surround yourself with people who think and feel the same way.

5 principles to grow rich

1. Believe that you can attract money. If you don’t believe that you can attract money, then you won’t. The law of attraction is based on the principle of belief; if you don’t believe in it, it won’t work for you.

2. Visualize what you want. When you visualize what you want, you’re sending out a powerful message to the universe. You’re telling it that you’re ready and willing to receive abundance.

3. Get rid of all negativity. In order to attract money, you need to get rid of any negative thoughts or feelings you have about money. This includes any belief that money is evil or bad. Instead, focus on all the good things money can do for you.

4. Focus on abundance. When you focus on abundance, you’re telling the universe that you’re ready to receive money. This opens up the possibility for money to flow into your life.

5.Be grateful for what you have. Gratitude is one of the most powerful emotions you can experience. It’s a sign that you’re in a good place mentally and emotionally, and it attracts more good things into your life.***

The key to becoming a millionaire is having the right mindset. Too often, people think of millionaires in terms of the money they have, when really, a millionaire is someone who thinks and acts in a certain way. If you want to be a millionaire, you need to start thinking and acting like one.

One way to do this is by using money constructively. Don’t view money as something that’s bad or evil; instead, see it as a tool that can help you achieve your goals. When you’re able to use money in a positive way, you’ll be able to achieve more success in life.

Another important part of having a millionaire mindset is being grateful for what you have.

You only have control over one thing, and that is your thoughts. This is the most significant and inspiring fact known to humanity! It reflects man’s divine essence. The only way you may influence your own fate is through this God-given power. If you don’t possess self-discipline and habit, you won’t be in command of anything else. Self-discipline and a routine are the outcomes of mind control.

Either you control your mind or it controls you. There is no halfway ground. The most efficient technique for controlling the mind is to use a specific routine that keeps it occupied with a specific goal, backed by a clear plan. You will discover that every person who achieves great success has mental control and that he uses that power to achieve certain goals. Without such domination, achievement is out of the question.

You may actively control your environment just as readily as you have the ability to shape your own thoughts. You may alter, manage, and ultimately command your own surroundings, making your life exactly as you wish it to be—or you might fail to take advantage of a right that is yours to make your life into order, tossing yourself onto the roiling , tossing sea of life without oars, sails, or rudder. It is your choice.

The first step is to surround yourself with likeminded individuals—people who think and feel as you do. You can find these people by joining groups or organizations that align with your interests and values. You can also connect with likeminded individuals online, through social media or other forums.

When you surround yourself with people who think and feel as you do, you’ll find it easier to stay focused on your goals and maintain a positive mindset. You’ll also be able to get more out of life, because you’ll be surrounding yourself with people who understand you and who can help you achieve your goals.

One final note on becoming a millionaire: don’t strive for money just for the sake of money. Instead, focus on creating value in your life. When you create value, money will flow to you naturally. When you focus on money as the end goal, you’ll only end up disappointed.So there you have it: the key to becoming a millionaire to have the abundance mindset and start acting like one.


Money Rain:

This is a fantastic visualization approach. It’s really easy to do, yet it has a strong impact. Even if you’re like me and struggle with visualization, this may be the exercise for you.Simply put, imagine money raining from the sky; seeing money everywhere heaped on the chair, piled high on the bed, tumbling out of cupboards; mounds and mounds of cash everywhere!

Abundance check:

LOA abundance checks are an excellent approach to raise your vibration in order to match yourself with the check you want. You may utilize blank cheque forms to specify the precise sum you desire. “Please deliver me a check for $1,000,000.00,” you are essentially ordering with the Universe.

Attract More:

This is a well-known LOA technique that thousands of people worldwide utilize! I first learned about it while reading Abraham-Hicks’ works. I was really intrigued.The central idea behind the LOA is that you will receive what you focus on most. If you concentrate on not being able to afford something, it will be brought to you. Try carrying around a $20, $50, or $100 bill in your wallet at all times to help you feel more wealthy.

Rewrite Your story:

For this activity, you’ll need your journal. Even though I don’t want to use the word ‘bad day,’ I realize that life isn’t always fair. Take out your journal before bedtime and rewrite your day if you had a day that could have gone better. It’s as simple as writing down how you would have wanted your day to turn out.

Focus wheel:

The Focus Wheel allows you to alter your vibrational point of attraction (how you feel) on any topic, whether it’s a toxic relationship or a lack of money. I’ll use a bad relationship with Mark as an example for this exercise. If you adore your partner but can’t seem to get along, it indicates that your current vibration is one of low energy or negative energy, and you will be drawn to more of the same. It’s important to concentrate on altering your vibrations. It may be tough at times, but it’s doable.

Carry Money:

 I’ve read that a lady once used Monopoly money to alter her feelings about money and, as a result, generate more prosperity in her life. I was intrigued by the concept, so I decided to give it a try. And boy, were my expectations exceeded! Throughout my LOA journey (when I didn’t have spare cash), I carried around big-denomination monopoly notes in my wallet. My billfold was literally overflowing with them. Every day, at least once per day, I would remove the cash and count it.


EFT, also known as tapping, is a psychological acupressure technique that uses gentle tapping on specific acupuncture points in the body while repeating soothing affirmations to help people return their bodies and minds to a natural state of balance and harmony. EFT (tapping) is a psychotherapeutic tool that allows individuals to deal with emotional difficulties or physical discomfort or any limiting beliefs about Money.

-Law of Attraction is a scam

– I am not deserving enough to be rich

– money makes people greedy and lazy

– money is the root of all evil***

-It’s difficult to acquire money.

-You must work hard to earn money.

-The wealthy walk all over you and very difficult to deal with.

-You are your own worst enemy.

-You are not intelligent enough

All of these beliefs will prevent you from achieving your financial goals. If you want to attract money into your life, you need to start by changing your mindset about money. Use EFT tapping to help release any negative emotions or beliefs that you have about money.

What is EFt ?

EFT is short for “Emotional Freedom Techniques.” It is a form of energy psychology that uses the body’s energy meridian points to help balance your emotions. When you tap on these points, it helps to clear out any negative emotions or beliefs that you may have about money.

How can I use EFT to attract money?

By tapping on the energy meridians of your body, you can help to release any negative emotions or beliefs that you have about money. This will allow you to start attracting money into your life.

To start, focus on your breath and take a few deep breaths in and out. Once you are relaxed, begin tapping on the following points:

-top of the head


-side of the eye

-under the eye

-under the nose



-under the arm

top of the head: I am open to attracting money into my life.

eyebrow: I release all negative beliefs about money.

side of the eye: I am worthy of money.

under the eye: I deserve to have money.

under the nose: Money is good.

chin: I attract money easily and effortlessly.

collarbone: I am abundance personified.

under the arm: I am a money magnet.

As you tap on each point, say each statement out loud. You can tap for as long as you feel necessary. Once you are finished, take a few deep breaths in and out and relax.

Repeat this process every day until you start to see money begin to flow into your life. Remember, it is important to change your mindset about money before you will be able to attract money into your life. Use EFT tapping to help release any negative emotions or beliefs that you have about money and watch as your financial situation begins to improve.

Conclusion paragraph: Money is one of the most important things in life, and it can be tough to think about it in a positive way. However, if you want to start attracting more money into your life, you have to start by adopting the right mindset. One of the best ways to do this is by being grateful for what you have, both in terms of money and other opportunities. As you go about making more money, don’t forget to stay grateful for every step along the way – no matter how big or small. When it comes down to it, gratitude is one of the most powerful tools we have for leveraging the Law of Attraction and bringing more wealth into our lives.

So there you have it – a few simple tips on how to use the Law of Attraction to attract more money into your life. Remember, the key is always to focus on what you want, rather than what you don’t want. Keep your mind focused on abundance, and watch as money starts flowing into your life from all sorts of unexpected sources. And above all, stay grateful for everything that comes your way – good or bad. The Law of Attraction will always work in your favor if you keep your vibes high!***

Final Thoughts:

The key to becoming a millionaire is to have the abundance mindset and start acting like one. You can do this by using visualization techniques, writing down your goals, carrying around money, and tapping into positive emotions. Remember, the more positive energy you put out there, the more money you will attract into your life!

Money Archetypes:

There are eight types of money archetypes. By understanding how each archetype behaves, you can learn how to better attract money into your life.The eight money archetypes are: the gambler, the hoarder, the miser, the businessperson, the investor, the philanthropist, the artist, and the celebrity.

There are eight money archetypes, each of which has a different relationship to money. By understanding how each archetype behaves, you can learn how to better attract money into your life. The eight money archetypes are: the gambler, the hoarder, the miser, the businessperson, the investor, the philanthropist, the artist, and the celebrity. Each archetype has its own strengths and weaknesses when it comes to money.

The gambler:

The gambler is always taking risks, betting on the future, and hoping for a big payoff. They are often in debt, but they also have the potential to make a lot of money if their gamble pays off.

The hoarder:

The hoarder is always saving their money and hoarding it away. They are risk-averse and prefer to keep their money in safe, liquid assets.

The miser:

The miser is always trying to save money and live as cheaply as possible. They are frugal and often have a lot of debt.

The businessperson:

The businessperson is always looking for ways to make money. They are often entrepreneurial and have a lot of different streams of income.

The investor:

The investor is always looking for ways to grow their money. They are risk-averse and prefer to invest in safe, long-term assets.

The philanthropist:

The philanthropist is always looking for ways to give back. They often have a lot of money, but they also tend to donate a lot of it to charity.

The artist:

The artist is always looking for ways to express themselves creatively. They may not have a lot of money, but they often have a lot of debt.

The celebrity:

The celebrity is always looking for ways to stay in the spotlight. They often have a lot of money, but they also have a lot of expenses.

The artist:

The artist is always using their money to support their art. They are often struggling financially, but they believe in the power of their art and are willing to make sacrifices for it.

The celebrity:

The celebrity is always using their money to live a lavish lifestyle. They are often wealthy and have a lot of disposable income. They enjoy the finer things in life and want to show off their wealth.The investor is always looking for opportunities to invest their money. They are usually well-off financially and have a diversified portfolio.

The philanthropist:

The philanthropist is always giving their money away to charity. They are often wealthy and have a lot of disposable income. They are passionate about making the world a better place and helping others.They are often wealthy and want to use their money to make others happy.

The celebrity:

The celebrity is always using their money to live a lavish lifestyle. They are often wealthy and have a lot of disposable income. They enjoy the finer things in life and want to show off their wealth.They want others to envy them and their lifestyle.

The artist:

The artist is always using their money to support their art. They are often struggling financially, but they believe in the power of their art and are willing to make sacrifices for it.They want their art to be appreciated and recognized.

The gambler:

The gambler is always taking risks, betting on the future, and hoping for a big payoff. They are often in debt, but they also have the potential to make a lot of money if their gamble pays off.They live for the thrill of the gamble and the possibility of making a fortune.

The miser:

The miser is always trying to save money and live as cheaply as possible. They are frugal and often have a lot of debt.They want to be able to have a lot of money saved up in case they need it in the future.

The hoarder:

The hoarder is always saving their money and hoarding it away. They are risk-averse and prefer to keep their money in safe, liquid assets.They want to make sure they have enough money saved up for a rainy day.

The businessperson:

The businessperson is always looking for ways to make money. They are often entrepreneurial and have a lot of different streams of income.They want to be financially successful and earn a lot of money.

The investor:

The investor is always looking for ways to grow their money. They are risk-averse and prefer to invest in safe, long-term assets.They want to make sure their money is working for them and growing over time.

The philanthropist:

The philanthropist is always looking for ways to give back. They often have a lot of money, but they also tend to donate a lot of it to charity.They want to use their money to make the world a better place.

The spender:

The spender is always looking for ways to spend their money. They are often in debt, but they also enjoy the finer things in life.They want to live a comfortable lifestyle and have the money to support it.

The saver:

The saver is always looking for ways to save their money. They are risk-averse and prefer to keep their money in safe, liquid assets.They want to make sure they have enough money saved up for a rainy day.

The hoarder:

The hoarder is always saving their money and hoarding it away. They are risk-averse and prefer to keep their money in safe, liquid assets.They want to make sure they have enough money saved up for a rainy day.

Sage archetypes:

The sage is always looking for ways to learn and grow. They are often curious and have a lot of knowledge.They want to be able to share their wisdom with others.

The teacher:

The teacher is always looking for ways to help others learn. They are often patient and have a lot of knowledge.They want to be able to share their knowledge with others and help them grow.

The mentor:

The mentor is always looking for ways to help others grow. They are often experienced and have a lot of knowledge.They want to be able to share their experience with others and help them reach their potential.

The counselor:

The counselor is always looking for ways to help others. They are often compassionate and have a lot of knowledge.They want to be able to share their knowledge with others and help them overcome their challenges.

However, they can also lose everything just as quickly. Hoarders tend to be very frugal and save their money carefully. This can lead to a feeling of security, but it can also prevent the hoarder from ever taking risks and making more money. The miser is someone who is very stingy with their money. They may have a lot of money, but they will never spend it on anything except for the bare necessities. This can make them seem very ungenerous, but it can also help them to save money over time. Businesspeople are always looking for ways to make money. They***

Money is a subject that engage all of us. Regardless of whether we have a lot or a little, money is always on our minds. One way to think about money is in terms of archetypes. There are eight money archetypes, each of which has a different relationship to money. By understanding how each archetype behaves, you can learn how to better attract money into your life. The eight money archetypes are: the gambler, the hoarder, the miser, the businessperson, the investor, the philanthropist, the artist, and the celebrity. Each archetype has its own strengths and weaknesses when it comes to money. For example, the gambler is always hoping to hit it big, but often ends up in debt. The hoarder is very good at saving money, but may never spend it. The miser is always looking for ways to save money, but may never have enough. The businessperson is always looking for ways to make money, but may never have enough. The investor is always looking for ways to grow money, but may never have enough. The philanthropist is always looking for ways to give money away, but may never have enough. The artist is always looking for ways to create something new, but may never have enough. The celebrity is always looking for ways to get attention, but may never have enough.

Which money archetype do you identify with the most? There are 8 sacred money archetypes


You get money in unusual ways. You have a lot of imagination. Ideas may be converted to financial success. By generating ideas and supporting others, you promote positive change. Money has a love/hate relationship with you; it’s possible that you have a love/hate relationship with money as a result of this.


Where can I find my savers? This is you! You may be described as frugal. You are fortunate to have a great career and be happy about saving money. You are a trustworthy and reliable individual. Saving money is something that comes naturally to you, and you can sometimes criticize other people’s spending habits.


You’re a businessperson who helps others build their personal inner relationships. You link people together. The more at ease I get with money, the more independent I become. Your skills include not being anxious about money, having a lot of faith and optimism, and forming beneficial connections. People are drawn to you because of your good vibes.


This is the inner big shot, in which you act like you have all this money when you don’t. Overspending is a typical condition. You’re a fan of being compulsive and spending on appearance. People are drawn to you because you’re magnetic and brilliant. However, your bank account does not correspond with your personality or leadership talents.


The rebel inside you is your inner cause. You’re drawn to riches fast and easy opportunities. You are more concerned with the ups and downs of your accounts than others. There may be an imbalance between risk and financial stability. You’re a gambler who isn’t afraid to go all out.


You’re giving and trustworthy. You frequently sacrifice yourself for the benefit of others to achieve your goals. You could believe you’ve been exploited. Making money might make you feel guilty. What are boundaries, anyway? If you have trouble establishing financial limitations, you may be a nurturer.


You’re a very sensitive person who enjoys seeking pleasure and appreciates the finest things in life. You may be extravagant with your expenditures and disregard anything to do with money. Because you “deserve it,” you aren’t afraid to pamper yourself or spend cash on objects. When it comes to money, you’re extremely carefree.


You’re a visionary and builder of Empires. With elegance and ease, you accumulate wealth. Chasing a dynamic money goal may possibly be difficult for you. You could find yourself constantly thinking, “Ok, I can make money with this, or that, or this other thing.” You might begin to feel like you’re eternally pursuing the next big thing”

There are 8 money archetypes. Which do you identify with the most? The Alchemists get money in unusual ways, they have a lot of imagination and ideas may be converted to financial success by generating ideas and supporting others. The Accumulators enjoy saving money, being frugal and can sometimes criticize other people’s spending habits because it comes naturally to them. Connectors help build personal relationships for those around them; their skills include not being anxious about money or forming beneficial connections which attracts people to them. Celebrities act like they’re rich when really aren’t – overspending is a typical condition as well who care more about getting attention than anything else but don t always have that same bank account balance correspondingly. Mavericks rebel against the norm, they’re gamblers and risk-takers which often leads to an imbalance between risk and financial stability. Nurturers are giving and frequently sacrifice themselves for others; making money might make them feel guilty because they have boundary issues when it comes to money. Romantic types appreciate the finer things in life, they could be extravagant with money and disregard anything considered “normal” when it comes to spending. Rulers are empire builders, they have a money goal that seems dynamic and difficult to achieve but are always thinking of ways to make more money. Which money archetype do you identify with?

Once you know your money archetype, you can start to change your money mindset and attract more money into your life. Each archetype has different money beliefs and habits, so it’s important to understand how your archetype thinks about money and what you need to do to change any negative money beliefs.

If you identify with the Nurturer archetype, for example, you might need to set better boundaries when it comes to money. You may also need to stop sacrificing yourself for others and start thinking about your own needs. You could find a money mentor or attend money workshops to help you change your money mindset.

The best way to attract more money is by aligning your thoughts and actions with those of your money archetype. So, if you want to attract more money into your life, start thinking and acting like the money archetype you want to be.

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