Life Coach :- Coaching Models used for success

There are many different models that life coaches can use to help their clients achieve success. Transformational leadership is one model that can be very effective. This model focuses on helping people to change their lives by transforming their thinking and behaviors. Transformational leaders work to inspire and motivate others to reach their full potential. They believe in the power of positive thinking and helping others to see the potential for change in their lives. Transformational leaders are often very successful in helping people to achieve their goals and make lasting changes in their lives. If you are a life coach, you may want to consider using the transformational leadership model to help your clients achieve success.

Models for Life Coaches:Books To read

1. Transformational Leadership

2. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

3. The Wheel of Life

4. The Law of Attraction

5. The Power of Intention

6. The Secret

7. The Power of Now

8. The 4-Hour Work Week

9. The 48 Laws of Power

10. The Millionaire Fastlane

11. Think and Grow Rich

12. The Power of Positive Thinking

Framework For Life Coaches:


Goal – Reality – Options – Will

This framework is designed to help coaches and their clients identify what they really want, where they are now and what steps they need to take to get there. It is a simple yet effective way to help clients achieve their goals and make lasting changes in their lives.

1. Goal – What is the client’s goal?

2. Reality – What is the current reality?

3. Options – What are the options for achieving the goal?

4. Way Forward – What is the way forward?


The CLEAR model is a popular framework for life coaches that was developed by Peter Hawkins in the early 1980s. The CLEAR model is considered a viable alternative to the GROW model, and it focuses on helping clients to achieve their goals by clarifying their goals, exploring their options, and taking action. The CLEAR model is simple yet effective, and it can be used by life coaches to help their clients achieve success.

C- Clarify

L- Listen

E- Explore

A- Action

R- Results


The STEPPA model is a framework for life coaches that was developed by Dr. Angus McLeod in the early 2000s. The STEPPA model focuses on helping clients to achieve their goals by setting clear goals, taking action, and then evaluating their progress. The STEPPA model is simple yet effective, and it can be used by life coaches to help their clients achieve success.

S- Set your goals

T- Take action towards your goal

E- Evaluate your progress

P- Make changes to your plan

A- Achieve your goals


The OSCAR model is a framework for life coaches that was developed by Robert Hargrave in the early 2000s. The OSCAR model focuses on helping clients to achieve their goals by identifying their options, setting clear goals, taking action, and then evaluating their progress. The OSCAR model is simple yet effective, and it can be used by life coaches to help their clients achieve success.

O-Outcome:Understand the desired outcome and the individual’s long-term goals.

S-Situation:Assess the current situation and identify any areas that need improvement.

C-Challenges:Explore the challenges that the individual is facing and help them to overcome these challenges.

A-Action:Help the individual to take action and make progress towards their goals.

R-Review:Evaluate the individual’s progress and help them to make any necessary adjustments.

Life Coach:

1. Determine what your client wants to achieve

2. Help your client set realistic goals

3. Develop a plan of action with your client

4. Implement the plan and track progress

5. Make adjustments to the plan as needed

6. Celebrate successes with your client!


The use of a coaching model helps to ensure that life coaches are using best practices when working with their clients. A coaching model provides a framework for coaches to use when working with clients, and it helps to ensure that coaches are covering all of the necessary topics. Additionally, a coaching model can help to hold coaches accountable for their work with clients.


A life coaching model is a framework that coaches can use to guide their work with clients. There are many different coaching models available, and each has its own strengths and weaknesses. Some popular coaching models include the GROW model, the CLEAR model, and the STEPPA model.


1. Choose a coaching model that you feel comfortable using.

2. Review the steps involved in the chosen coaching model.

3. Put the steps into practice with your clients.

4. Evaluate your results and make adjustments as needed.


1. The client’s goal

2. The current reality

3. The options for achieving the goal

4. The way forward

What is the client’s goal?

The first step in using the OSCAR coaching model is to identify the client’s goal. The client’s goal is what they want to achieve through coaching, and it should be something that is realistic and achievable. Once the client’s goal has been identified, the coach can help them to develop a plan of action.

What is the current reality?

The second step in using the OSCAR coaching model is to assess the current reality. This involves taking a look at where the client is currently at and identifying any areas that need improvement. Once the current reality has been assessed, the coach can help the client to develop a plan of action.

What are the options for achieving the goal?

The third step in using the OSCAR coaching model is to identify the options for achieving the goal. This involves exploring the different ways that the client can achieve their goal and helping them to choose the best option. Once the options have been identified, the coach can help the client to develop a plan of action.

What is the way forward?

The fourth and final step in using the OSCAR coaching model is to identify the way forward. This involves helping the client to take action and make progress towards their goal. Once the way forward has been identified, the coach can help the client to implement their plan of action.

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