The 11 laws of Universe

1. Law of Divine Oneness – “We are all connected”

2. Law of Vibration – “Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates”

3. Law of Action – “We must engage in action to bring about change”

4. Law of Correspondence – “As above, so below; as within, so without”

5.Law of Cause and Effect – “Every cause has its effect; every effect has its cause”

6.Law of Compensation– “The universe will compensate you for your thought and actions”

7.Law of Attraction– “You attract what you focus on and think about most often”

8.Law Of Perpetual Transmutation Of Energy – “Energy is always changing form”

9.Law Of Relativity– “Everything is relative to something else”

10.Law Of Polarity– ” Everything has an opposite”

11.The Law Of Rhythm/Cycles – “Life flows in cycles.”

1. Law of Divine Oneness – “We are all connected”

As the law states , we are all connected in this vast universe, whether it be by energy, our actions or thoughts. Because of this connection, everything affects everything else and as a result, what we do to others has an effect on us as well. As human beings, it’s important to remember that our actions have consequences not only for ourselves but also for the people around us.

2. Law of Vibration – “Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates”

This law states that all matter is made up of energy and vibrations, which means that nothing in nature stays still but rather is in constant motion and movement. Everything has a vibration and frequency, from our thoughts to physical objects. The law of vibration teaches us that by changing our vibrations, we can manifest different realities into our lives.

3. Law of Action – “We must engage in action to bring about change”

The law of action reminds us that in order to create change, we must take steps towards it through action. Our intentions are important but without taking tangible steps, nothing will manifest. Taking consistent action is essential in order to achieve our goals and create positive outcomes in our lives.

4. Law of Correspondence – “As above, so below; as within, so without”

This law states that whatever happens externally is a reflection of what is happening internally. Our external world reflects the state of our internal world; this means that if we want to see a change in our outer world, we need to start by making changes within ourselves first.

5.Law of Cause and Effect – “Every cause has its effect; every effect has its cause”

This law teaches us that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction; when we choose to do something, it will always have a consequence. We must be aware of the causes and effects of our actions in order to create positive change in our lives.

6.Law of Compensation – “The universe will compensate you for your thoughts and actions”

This law states that what we put out into the Universe will come back to us in kind. The Universe is always listening and responding to our vibrations; when we think positively and act with intention, we can expect those same intentions and energies to be returned back to us.

7.Law of Attraction– “You attract what you focus on and think about most often”

This law reminds us that like energy attracts like energy; if we focus on positive and uplifting thoughts, then the Universe will provide us with more of those same energies. We must be mindful of our thoughts in order to manifest what we desire in life.

8.Law Of Perpetual Transmutation Of Energy – “Energy is always changing form”

This law explains that energy can never be destroyed; it simply changes form over time. Every moment is an opportunity for transformation, and by understanding how energy works, we can make use of its power to create positive change in our lives.

9.Law Of Relativity– “Everything is relative to something else”

This law reminds us that nothing exists in a vacuum; everything has a context and is relative to something else. It’s important to take into account the external factors that could be affecting our lives in order to gain a better understanding of our own reality.

10.Law Of Polarity– “Everything has an opposite”

This law states that everything in the Universe has an opposite, such as light and dark or hot and cold. This duality helps us understand how Yin and Yang work together, creating balance and harmony in life.

11.The Law Of Rhythm/Cycles – “Life flows in cycles.”

This law explains that life moves in cyclical patterns, rather than linear ones; it teaches us that every up has a down, every high has a low, and that our lives are constantly in flux. By understanding the rhythm of life, we can learn to flow with it instead of against it.

and Law Of Gender – “Gender is present in everything”

This law states that both masculine and feminine energies exist everywhere, in all things. It reminds us that both aspects must be honored and balanced in order to create harmony within ourselves and the world around us.

One final law which affects our lives on a daily basis is the Law of Universal Agreement — this teaches us that when enough people agree on something, it becomes a reality within society. We must work together if we want to bring about positive change; this law emphasizes the power of collective action and thought.

Ultimately, understanding these universal laws can help us make sense of our lives and create positive change within ourselves and the world around us. By aligning with their teachings, we can unlock our true potential and take better control of our lives. Remember: “As Above, So Below”! ~~The End~~

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